Therapy Services
I provide a variety of therapy services, including individual therapy, parent training and support, and executive functioning training to help families struggling with ADHD symptoms. I occasionally offer parent groups that focus on early childhood, behavioral challenges, or ADHD.
I utilize Evidence Based Practices from within a Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy framework, while borrowing from additional theories and principles to provide effective care, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and motivational interviewing.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT helps individuals recognize and understand the connection between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I strive to make CBT engaging for children and teens as they learn to identify unhelpful thoughts, shift thinking patterns, practice problem-solving, and engage in behaviors that improve mood and decrease anxiety.
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)
ERP is a component of CBT and is frequently used in the treatment of OCD and other anxiety disorders. The pacing of ERP is individualized to each child/teen, and they are provided significant support as they work towards facing feared situations. EPR involves exposing oneself to a feared stimulus while preventing avoidance or reassurance behaviors to begin to tolerate uncertainly and ultimately reduce overall anxiety.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is an action oriented treatment that encourages individuals to identify their values (what matters to them most) and actively practice engaging in actions that align with those values. Incorporating mindfulness (working to intentionally be present in the moment) helps to accept uncomfortable thoughts without judgement as they work to choose actions that lead towards living a meaningful, values-based life.
Parent Management Training (PMT) (modified PCIT)
PMT utilizes evidence-based parenting skills to target social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties that come with strong feelings. While children are seen at times by the therapist, they typically do not regularly attend therapy sessions; Instead, caregivers learn and practice new parenting approaches and tools and implement a personalized plan to foster improved attachment, compliance, and behavior.
Common presenting concerns include:
Parenting Support - Parenting is one of the most challenging roles that we have, and all parents could benefit from support and encouragement. When children and teens struggle, it affects the entire family, and parents especially need support as they learn new tools alongside their children to start experiencing more positive interactions and improve the parent-child relationship.
Behavioral Difficulties - We are all faced with overwhelming emotions and circumstances throughout our lives, and often times children and teens struggle with how to navigate those, resulting in less helpful ways to communicate such as tantrums or intense behaviors. I work to help them learn healthy coping skills for those moments, and help parents implement practical strategies to promote ongoing change at home and school.
Anxiety - anxiety is common in children, adolescents, and adults, and may present as worry, fear, irritability, or anger. Other common symptoms of anxiety may include trouble sleeping, separating from caregivers, headaches, and stomachaches. Anxiety may be generalized to many situations or may be a specific phobia. Treatment is guided by CBT and is tailored and personalized to each individual.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - characterized by recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that cause distress, an individual attempts to ignore or suppress these by performing compulsive behaviors. This may be seen as repetitive behaviors such as hand washing, counting, or repeating words silently, but can take numerous other forms. Individuals may ask repeatedly for reassurance or may insist that others in the family engage in certain behaviors or do things in a certain way/order. OCD causes significant distress and often interferes with an individual's functioning and the family dynamic. Treatment utilizes ERP to help kids/teens begin to tolerate their stressors, as well as working with parents to begin decreasing reassurance given and help their child learn to tolerate uncertainty.
Mood Disorders - such as depression are often associated with feelings of hopelessness, inadequacy, guilt, helplessness, and low self-esteem. Individuals may withdraw from friends or family, exhibit decreased energy, and have changes in sleep and appetite (either eating/sleeping more or less than before). Treatment typically utilizes CBT and may include ACT and motivational interviewing as appropriate.
ADHD - ADHD affects Executive Functioning skills, which play a helpful role in so many of our everyday activities. Some examples of Executive Functioning Skills include the ability to focus, problem-solve, regulate emotions, control impulses, organize, plan ahead, prioritize, pay attention, and think flexibly. It impacts our short-term and working memory. I work with kids, teens and families to understand ADHD and manage the associated symptoms. I also work with adults struggling with ADHD.
Adjustment to life stressors and/or changes - oftentimes life circumstances are just challenging. Regardless of a formerly diagnosed disorder, we can all benefit from some support and additional tools to improve our relationships with our teens/kids or improve our overall functioning when faced with adversity or change. I am always honored to work with families as they learn and strengthen new skills/strategies to handle whatever life throws them. I also am passionate about helping adults navigate difficult times and feel more confident in their ability to handle the ups and downs of life.
Therapy Process - What to Expect
Intake - during the intake session (the initial appointment) I will spend time with parents/caregivers to obtain a comprehensive history and begin to assess past and current symptoms, strengths and weaknesses. Depending upon the individual situation, intake appointments may be parent only or include the child/adolescent. This will be determined during the initial phone consultation prior to scheduling.
Following appointments will involve psychoeducation and collaborative goal setting. Depending on the presenting concerns and individual situation, therapy appointments may primarily involve the parents, the child/teen, or both. When working with teens, it is important to maintain their privacy and sense of ownership in the treatment process, but I still work with them to find ways to include parents in the process as appropriate.